8. create an emp file containing empname, empno, dept and designation. a. display empname and empno of any particular dept and the count of employees. b. display empname and empno of employees who are not managers.
while [ 1 ]
echo "enter the choice"
read choice
case $choice in
1) echo "enter emp id, name, dept and designation"
read sid name dept designation
echo "$sid $name $dept $designation" >> emp;;
2) echo "display empname and empno of a particular dept and count of employees"
echo "enter the dept"
read dept
grep $dept emp | cut -d " " -f 1,2
grep $dept emp | echo "count of employee in $dept=`wc -l`";;
3) echo "display empname and empno of employee who are not managers"
awk '$4!~"managers"{printf("%d\t %s\n",$1,$2)}' emp;;
4) exit;;
echo "enter the choice"
read choice
case $choice in
1) echo "enter emp id, name, dept and designation"
read sid name dept designation
echo "$sid $name $dept $designation" >> emp;;
2) echo "display empname and empno of a particular dept and count of employees"
echo "enter the dept"
read dept
grep $dept emp | cut -d " " -f 1,2
grep $dept emp | echo "count of employee in $dept=`wc -l`";;
3) echo "display empname and empno of employee who are not managers"
awk '$4!~"managers"{printf("%d\t %s\n",$1,$2)}' emp;;
4) exit;;
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